[SF4]Premiers screenshots de Street Fighter 4!!

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Resident Fighter
Shin Akuma!
Messages : 510
Enregistré le : lun. nov. 07, 2005 3:44 pm
Localisation : Sahara de Grenoble(38)

Message par Resident Fighter »

En plus, je trouve qu'il y a un gros défaut au niveau de l'équilibrage de ce perso (zangi) : Y saute super haut :roll: !!!!! ... et c'est un défaut qu'on trouve aussi dans les Street EX !

après tu m'étonnes qu'un perso puissant et agile soit aussi craqué !!!
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Messages : 341
Enregistré le : dim. mai 14, 2006 5:06 pm
 : Niegen
Localisation : Région parisienne
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Message par Niegen »

Resident Fighter a écrit :En plus, je trouve qu'il y a un gros défaut au niveau de l'équilibrage de ce perso (zangi) : Y saute super haut :roll: !!!!! ... et c'est un défaut qu'on trouve aussi dans les Street EX !

après tu m'étonnes qu'un perso puissant et agile soit aussi craqué !!!
Il saute super haut, je veux bien, m'enfin, faut quand même qu'il puisse sauter par dessus les projectiles adverses au minimum... certes, il peut toujours faire un larriat ou un banishing flat, mais c'est pas comme ça que tu vas encourager les débutants à s'essayer à ce perso. La manip du larriat est facilement foirée, et le banishing flat est plutôt strict niveau timing si on n'anticipe pas/mal.
"This isn't duelling pistols at dawn. This is war. You never want to fight fair. You want to sneak up behind your enemy and club him over the head."
Resident Fighter
Shin Akuma!
Messages : 510
Enregistré le : lun. nov. 07, 2005 3:44 pm
Localisation : Sahara de Grenoble(38)

Message par Resident Fighter »

Niegen a écrit : Il saute super haut, je veux bien, m'enfin, faut quand même qu'il puisse sauter par dessus les projectiles adverses au minimum... certes, il peut toujours faire un larriat ou un banishing flat, mais c'est pas comme ça que tu vas encourager les débutants à s'essayer à ce perso.
Il peut sauter moins haut tout en pouvant éviter les projectiles (j'ai pas dit qu'il puisse à un 1mm du sol :roll: !) ...... et c'est le cas dans tous les streets (sauf le EX).
Je sais pas si t'as remarqué sur les vidéos, mais les coups du perso ont une portée monstrueuse en plus de faire ultra mal ...... alors si, en plus, t'arrives plus à le tenir à distance (comme on le fait avec les "gros" en général) parce que le mec est super agile ...... ça devient trop chaud à gérer!

Pour les débutants : bah, ils ont qu'à faire comme tout le monde .... être patients et s'entrainer !
Niegen a écrit :La manip du larriat est facilement foirée, et le banishing flat est plutôt strict niveau timing si on n'anticipe pas/mal.
Des manips chaudes à sortir et anticipation : C'est quand même ce qui pimente le jeu d'un Zangief et le rend intéressant à jouer .......... tu crois que des manips NO-SKILL vont rendre service au jeu !
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 : raiden-x-59

Message par Shin_Divadoken »

Shin Akuma!
Messages : 649
Enregistré le : sam. janv. 26, 2008 10:45 pm
 : Le_Gatsu
Localisation : Quelque part avec un sac sur l'épaule...

Message par Gatsu »

Trailer également consultable sur le site officiel jap' de SF IV!!^^


Ca montre que C.Viper n'a vraiment rien d'une Street Fighter avec ses gadgets au niveau des bottes et des gants!!^^' :evil: :evil:
Messages : 341
Enregistré le : dim. mai 14, 2006 5:06 pm
 : Niegen
Localisation : Région parisienne
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Message par Niegen »

Et un nouveau perso, un!

Et un vrai, pas un qui existait déjà, on est bien d'accord!

Voici donc Raiden! Ha pardon, El Fuerte, j'ai mal lu ma fiche.
"This isn't duelling pistols at dawn. This is war. You never want to fight fair. You want to sneak up behind your enemy and club him over the head."
Resident Fighter
Shin Akuma!
Messages : 510
Enregistré le : lun. nov. 07, 2005 3:44 pm
Localisation : Sahara de Grenoble(38)

Message par Resident Fighter »

Il ressemble à un perso de VF5 (je sais plus le nom).

Sinon première impression : il est dégueulasse (comme les autres :lol: ) ............ non, on va attendre un petit peu avant de le descendre !
[color=#FF0000]Votre signature a expiré, veuillez la renouveler s'il vous plait ![/color]
Street Fighter
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Enregistré le : mer. déc. 19, 2007 11:17 am

Message par Ele »

L'archétype du catcheur masqué mexicain dont le nom commence par "El" :mrgreen:

C'est quoi le prochain, un motard avec un casque à pointe? un mystérieux ninja habillé en noir? un énorme lutteur à moitié robot? UNE TORTUE GEANTE?!

Quoi? Comment ça moi aussi, mon nom commence par "El"? :x
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Membre [SF.FR]
Membre [SF.FR]
Messages : 1298
Enregistré le : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:45 pm
Localisation : Dans le maquis (home sweet home !)

Message par psychogore »

Resident Fighter a écrit :Il ressemble à un perso de VF5 (je sais plus le nom).

Sinon première impression : il est dégueulasse (comme les autres :lol: ) ............ non, on va attendre un petit peu avant de le descendre !
VF5 : El Blaze !

Ca peut-etre interessant, mais dans le genre lucha libre (catch mexicain, tres aerien), ils auraient pu faire l'effort de mettre "El Stinger" du jeu Slammaster.

Sinon, pour se faire une idée du style "catch mexicain", allez voir du coté de kof 2000 à 2002, le perso Ramon.
nobody akuma kills stays dead now.

that guy is gonna get a complex . -Mr List from SRK

Les aberrations de gameplay : Psycho qui fait des loops avec Oro. Evilryu
"bon, il reste 1/4 d'heure, ce sera vite torché : je vous prend chacun un match à 3.2, histoire vous mettre une branlée chacun !"
Shin Akuma!
Messages : 649
Enregistré le : sam. janv. 26, 2008 10:45 pm
 : Le_Gatsu
Localisation : Quelque part avec un sac sur l'épaule...

Message par Gatsu »

psychogore a écrit :Sinon, pour se faire une idée du style "catch mexicain", allez voir du coté de kof 2000 à 2002, le perso Ramon.
J'aimais bien ce perso, surtout au niveau de l'anim' de celui-ci que je trouvais excellente!!^^ :D

Sinon encore un bel exemple d'originalité après KOF, c'est VF qui est pompé, c'est magnifique!!^^' :evil: :evil:

Bon après si il a une panoplie de coups qui se rapprochent de celle d'El Blaze, ça peut être sympa!!^^
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Membre [SF.FR]
Membre [SF.FR]
Messages : 1298
Enregistré le : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:45 pm
Localisation : Dans le maquis (home sweet home !)

Message par psychogore »

Allez faire un tour sur le site officiel :

La section gallery a été mise à jour : le rendu graphique est different (matez le rendu de la peau de dhalsim et zangief, c'est le plus visible)

El Fuerte, ou plutot son modele :

nobody akuma kills stays dead now.

that guy is gonna get a complex . -Mr List from SRK

Les aberrations de gameplay : Psycho qui fait des loops avec Oro. Evilryu
"bon, il reste 1/4 d'heure, ce sera vite torché : je vous prend chacun un match à 3.2, histoire vous mettre une branlée chacun !"
Chef Bios
Chef Bios
Messages : 1145
Enregistré le : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:58 am
Localisation : Monde Extérieur.

Oi !

Message par hatsumomo »

Un pratiquant de Lucha Libre... Comme c'est original en ce moment... Et quel design travaillé... :roll:

Rien ne vaut ce bon vieux Masque de Smith !
Yahou Yaoi, youpi yuri.
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Membre [SF.FR]
Membre [SF.FR]
Messages : 1298
Enregistré le : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:45 pm
Localisation : Dans le maquis (home sweet home !)


Message par psychogore »

bon, du concret sur sf4.
Ce W-E a eu lieu le 3eme location test, à Osaka.
Des membres du forum SRK etaient present, notamment kunai, qui nous en dit plus sur la Saving Attack (raccoucis en SA, juste pour semer la confusion chez les habitués de SFIII....) :
kunai du forum SRK a écrit : Hey guys from the Osaka loke... let me know if this is a good overall summary of the Saving Attack... I posted this in another gaming forum. I AM EDITING THIS AS I GET MORE INPUT OR REMEMBER CERTAIN THINGS. This is good information... I hope you will read it in full and understand why this move makes SFIV that much more dynamic as a fighter.

Saving Attack

Of course, it's an attack that is done by initially pressing and holding both medium attack buttons. The damage amount and the opponent's condition depends on how long you hold these buttons.

While you are in the middle of this attack, you can take one hit. When this happens, your bar will show a grayed out portion of life. Basically, this is the amount of life you would have lost, had you taken the hit without doing SA. After that, the grayed out portion slowly recovers. If you wait long enough, you can fully recover the grayed-out section of the bar. If you are hit cleanly before the grayed portion of life fills back up, you lose it for good, along with additional damage from the hit you just took. The meter fills up slowly, so SA is something you shouldn't abuse too often. Imagine if you did SA to eat Ryu's fireballs, you eat 5 of them, then he hits you before you recover your life back. Not smart. Don't think it will be like a parry in 3S.

Once again, you can take one hit only during a Saving Attack. If the opponent hits you multiple times, you will be knocked out of your Saving Attack.
From what the arcade screen layout said, there are 3 degrees of the Saving Attack. I couldn't read the instructions, but basically here's what happens.

-- If you let go of the two buttons almost immediately, you will hit the opponent regularly. No stun or knockdown. I don't believe you can combo after that.

-- If you hold it for about .75 - 1 second, you will perform a stun. If it hits, the opponent crumples and falls down. You are able to hit them afterwards, but you have about .75 seconds recovery from the SA completion. There IS a way to cancel this recovery, more later.

-- If you let it charge all the way, supposedly the hit becomes unblockable. You either stun the opponent or knock them down completely.
As I said before, this part is a bit unclear because it's hard to test during the heat of battle. All I know is that a Lvl 3 SA will show an Okami-like ink swirl, like in the SFIV Ken/Ryu cinema.

Canceling the Saving Attack:
If you dash in the middle of your SA by double tapping forward or backward on the joystick (you have to STILL be holding the two buttons), you will cancel the SA all together. There is no Super Meter penalty for this.

Canceling a move to a Saving Attack:
I have seen some people cancel special moves like Guile's Sonic Boom, fireballs for most characters, Ken's low foward kick, Ryu's Shoryuken. Right when your move hits, press and hold the two middle attack buttons to start a SA. This will use up 1/3 of your Super Meter, like an EX move would. You will flash if you have done it correctly. Most people use this to cancel a move and gain mobility. For instance, you can throw a fireball, perform a SA immediately, cancel SA into dash and you can follow your fireball. Another move is to hit with Ryu's Shoryuken, cancel to SA, cancel to dash forward, then EX hurricane kick them for an air juggle.

Canceling the recovery frames after you hit a Saving Attack Stun on opponent:
You can do this after any of the 3 degrees of the SA. Right when the SA hits the opponent, blocking or not, dash forward or backward to cancel the recovery animation. If you end up stunning the opponent and you dash correctly, you will immediately recover and have a bit of time to punish the opponent with a combo of choice. If the opponent blocks, you can still dash. However, if you dash forward, the opponent can mash on jab/short while crouching to hit you out of it.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you use a character that uses moves that need charging... like Guile, you will be able to retain your charge when you do a Saving Attack stun. For example, as you charge down-back on the joystick, perform the Saving Attack. If you hit the opponent and stun them, double tap forward right when the SA hits to dash forward. IMMEDIATELY charge down-back again. As you are next to the stunned opponent, finish the combo by hitting crouching strong punch and two-in-one to flash kick.

The reason why this is important is because some people push away the opponent after SA... thus limiting the range to retaliate. Canceling your Saving Attack after it hits into dash will give you a great opportunity to really capitalize. However, some characters have it easy. For example, when Zangief stuns you, you'll be in perfect range for him to SPD you. C. Viper pushes her opponent slightly away, therefore you can only do something like low forward kick to lightning punch, which doesn't knock down, or seismic ground pound, then superjump immediately and try to combo with roundhouse and then flame kick to finish in the air. I've had a lot of difficulties connecting the roundhouse to flame kick in the air, though. Basically, canceling SA to dash will set you up for better combos and give you more time to work with.

Doing this cancel does not use up Super Meter. Revenge Meter is not affected at all with anything involving Saving Attacks, at least in this Osaka betatest.

Yeah... like I said, the only thing I wasn't sure about was the 3 degrees of SA. Any clarifications that you can add?

Special thanks to the SRK chaps who went to the Osaka loke test and to the pro SF Japanese players who live in Osaka. Without you guys figuring out these things beforehand, I wouldn't be able to explain why SFIV is just so damn fun to play
Apparement, la SA permet des trucs biens marrants ^^

Le thread original :
http://forums.shoryuken.com/showthread. ... 113&page=6

ps hs : Serieux, les admins, faites quelque chose de drastique pour l'interface de saisie des posts, moi j'ai toujours du blanc sur gris clair, ca tue les yeux.... Je traduit rien tant que c'est pas fixé !
nobody akuma kills stays dead now.

that guy is gonna get a complex . -Mr List from SRK

Les aberrations de gameplay : Psycho qui fait des loops avec Oro. Evilryu
"bon, il reste 1/4 d'heure, ce sera vite torché : je vous prend chacun un match à 3.2, histoire vous mettre une branlée chacun !"
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Membre [SF.FR]
Membre [SF.FR]
Messages : 1298
Enregistré le : sam. nov. 05, 2005 10:45 pm
Localisation : Dans le maquis (home sweet home !)


Message par psychogore »

kunai, qui afait un update a écrit :Saving Attack

Of course, it's an attack that is done by initially pressing and holding both medium attack buttons. The damage amount and the opponent's condition depends on how long you hold these buttons.

While you are in the middle of this attack, you can take one hit if you have it charged for at least 1/3rd of a second. When this happens, your bar will show a grayed out portion of life. Basically, this is the amount of life you would have lost, had you taken the hit without doing SA. After that, the grayed out portion slowly recovers. If you wait long enough, you can fully recover the grayed-out section of the bar. If you are hit cleanly before the grayed portion of life fills back up, you lose the grayed portion for good, along with additional damage from the hit you just took. The meter fills up slowly, so SA is something you shouldn't abuse too often. Imagine if you did SA to eat Ryu's fireballs, you eat 5 of them, then he hits you before you recover your life back. Not smart. Don't think it will be like a parry in 3S.

Once again, you can take at least one hit only during the later stages of a Saving Attack. If the opponent hits at the Level 1 stage of the SA, or if the opponent hits you multiple times during Levels 2 and 3 of the SA, you will be knocked out of your Saving Attack.

There are 3 degrees of the Saving Attack, and the level used depends on how long you hold the medium attack buttons.

Level 1: Letting go of the medium attack buttons almost immediately
A normal hit (like low forward). Does not have armor, so you can get hit out of SA during this stage. Possible to use this at the end of a combo?

Level 2: Letting go of the medium attack buttons about a half-a-second later
Stuns when opponent is hit, has the ability to take one hit, and is NOT unblockable. You cannot end a combo using this because it takes too long to charge.

Level 3: Letting the SA charge all the way (takes about a second or 1-1/2 seconds)
Stuns when opponent is hit, has the ability to take one... possibly two hits, is unblockable. You cannot end a combo using this because it takes too long to charge.

Thanks to Afrocole for explaining the Saving Attack levels.

-- If you let go of the two buttons almost immediately, you will hit the opponent regularly. No stun or knockdown. I don't believe you can combo after that.

-- If you hold it for about .75 - 1 second, you will perform a stun. If it hits, the opponent crumples and falls down. You are able to hit them afterwards, but you have about .75 seconds recovery from the SA completion. There IS a way to cancel this recovery, more later.

-- If you let it charge all the way, supposedly the hit becomes unblockable. You either stun the opponent or knock them down completely.
As I said before, this part is a bit unclear because it's hard to test during the heat of battle. All I know is that a Lvl 3 SA will show an Okami-like ink swirl, like in the SFIV Ken/Ryu cinema.

Canceling the Saving Attack:
If you dash in the middle of your SA by double tapping forward or backward on the joystick (you have to STILL be holding the two buttons), you will cancel the SA all together. There is no Super Meter penalty for this.

Canceling a move to a Saving Attack:
I have seen some people cancel special moves like Guile's Sonic Boom, fireballs for most characters, Ken's low foward kick, Ryu's Shoryuken. Right when your move hits, press and hold the two middle attack buttons to start a SA. This will use up 1/3 of your Super Meter, like an EX move would. You will flash if you have done it correctly. Most people use this to cancel a move and gain mobility. For instance, you can throw a fireball, perform a SA immediately, cancel SA into dash and you can follow your fireball. Another move is to hit with Ryu's Shoryuken, cancel to SA, cancel to dash forward, then EX hurricane kick them for an air juggle.

Canceling the recovery frames after you hit a Saving Attack on an opponent:
You can do this after any of the 3 degrees of the SA. Right when the SA hits the opponent, blocking or not, dash forward or backward to cancel the recovery animation. If you end up stunning the opponent and you dash correctly, you will immediately recover and have a bit of time to punish the opponent with a combo of choice. If the opponent blocks your SA, you can still dash. However, if you dash forward, the opponent can mash on jab/short while crouching to hit you out of it.

The reason why this is important (dash-canceling the recovery of a successful SA stun) is because some people push away the opponent after SA... thus limiting the range to retaliate. Canceling your Saving Attack after it hits into dash will give you a great opportunity to really capitalize. However, some characters have it easy. For example, when Zangief stuns you, you'll be in perfect range for him to SPD you. C. Viper pushes her opponent slightly away, therefore you can only do something like low forward kick to lightning punch, which doesn't knock down, or seismic ground pound, then superjump immediately and try to combo with roundhouse and then flame kick to finish in the air. I've had a lot of difficulties connecting the roundhouse to flame kick in the air, though. Basically, canceling SA to dash will set you up for better combos and give you more time to work with.

Doing this cancel does not use up Super Meter. Revenge Meter is not affected at all with anything involving Saving Attacks, at least in this Osaka betatest.

Charge Partitioning after a Saving Attack Stun?:
If you use a character that uses moves that need charging... like Guile, and you stun your opponent using a Saving Attack, you can still retain your charge while performing a dash to cancel the recovery of the SA Stun. For example, as you charge down-back on the joystick, perform the Saving Attack. If you hit the opponent and stun them, double tap forward right when the SA hits to dash forward. IMMEDIATELY charge down-back again. As you are next to the stunned opponent, finish the combo by hitting crouching strong punch and two-in-one to flash kick.

Whether or not this is "Charge Partitioning" is unknown at this point.

Yeah... like I said, the only thing I wasn't sure about was the 3 degrees of SA. Any clarifications that you can add?

Special thanks to the SRK chaps who went to the Osaka loke test and to the pro SF Japanese players who live in Osaka. Without you guys figuring out these things beforehand, I wouldn't be able to explain why SFIV is just so damn fun to play.
Ptit up, pour histoire de bien voir ce qu'on sait de sf4....
nobody akuma kills stays dead now.

that guy is gonna get a complex . -Mr List from SRK

Les aberrations de gameplay : Psycho qui fait des loops avec Oro. Evilryu
"bon, il reste 1/4 d'heure, ce sera vite torché : je vous prend chacun un match à 3.2, histoire vous mettre une branlée chacun !"
Shin Akuma!
Messages : 649
Enregistré le : sam. janv. 26, 2008 10:45 pm
 : Le_Gatsu
Localisation : Quelque part avec un sac sur l'épaule...


Message par Gatsu »

Finalement ce SA a l'air assez intéressant mais avec des applications pas évidentes à placer en plein combat : voilà un terrain où la marge de progression est possible ce qui rassure!!^^ :wink: