J'ai commencé par demander comment ils savaient quelle est la frequence du cpu utilisé sur les cartes cps2 et cps3 : ils mesurent directement sur la carte originale.got a question about the SH2 processor : how do you know its frequency is supposed to be 20 MHz ?
I ask this because, when i play cps2 games (especially street fighter zero 3) i noticed that some of them actually run faster than the pcb or the ps2 version (wich is very close to the pcb in term of speed. So i was wondering : how do you know the technical specifications for the hardware you emulate ?
Posted by: psychogore at July 2, 2007 8:43 am
The frequency is measured on the real board. In the case of CPS3 that’s 6.25Mhz external clock, with 4x multiplier inside the SH2.
For CPS1/2 the issue is complicated somewhat, as limitations of the original hardware cause the CPU to run much slower at times, thus running things at the correct clock speed causes the games to run too fast in places.
Posted by: Haze at July 2, 2007 11:01 am
Quand à la vitesse, pour faire court : le hardware original a des limitations qui ralentissent le jeu. L'emulation d'un jeu en utilisant la frequence d'horloge correcte sans les limitations du hardware d'origine entraine un jeu trop rapide.
Comme quoi, l'emulation reste un paliatif, parfois tres bon, mais un paliatif quand meme.
ps : quand j'y repense, neorageX etait un bon emu : il reproduisait presque tous les ralentissement d'origine ^^